The research group was established in 2018/19 and applies neurobiological methods to reveal particular interplays between sleep and anesthesia.
In our research group we connect our knowledge and experimental expertise about sleep and the clinical knowledge about anesthesiology. We apply modern methods from neurobiological research and in vivo electrophysiology with neuro-ethological experiments.
Present Scientists:
- Assoc. Prof. Thomas Fenzl, Biology (Group leader)
- Dr. med. Stefan Schwerin (Post Doc)
- Leesa Joyce (PhD Student)
- Alp Altunkaya (PhD Student)
- Monika Vadkertiova (PhD Student)
- Philipp Tamas (PhD Student)
- Tom Happe (PhD Student)
- David Killing (PhD Student)
- Pablo Moreno Esbri (Master Student)
- Theresa Franz (Master Student)
- Kim Mengel (Master Studentin)
- Clara Carillo Mas (Master Student)
- Carlo Mejia (Master Student)
- Alena Pospelova (Bachelor Student)
Research focus:
- Preoperative EEG-biomarker during sleep to evaluate cognitive deficits after general anesthesia in Alzheimer´s disease.
- Systemic interactions between sleep and anesthesia.
- Fundamental systemic studies on the neurobiology of loss and recovery of consciousness in the framework of a general anesthesia.
- Interactions between preoperative anxiety, anesthesia and postoperative delir.
Internal and external scientific co-operations:
Prof. Gerhard Schneider, apl. Prof. Gerhard Rammes, PD Dr. Stephan Kratzer und apl. Prof. Dr. Rainer Haseneder, Dipl. Ing. Sebastian Berger, Dr. Matthias Kreuzer: Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, TU München
Eva-Maria Fritz: Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck
Prof. Nadia Stefanova: Medical University Innsbruck
Prof. Ludwig Aigner: Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität, Salzburg
Prof. Helmuth Adelsberger: Institut of Neuroscience, TU München
Prof. Chadi Touma: Institut für Verhaltensbiologie, Universität Osnabrück
Teaching/Graduate Schools:
Graduate School of Systemic Neuroscience (GSN)(link is external)
Munic Center for Neurosciences – Brain and Mind (MCN-LMU)(link is external)
LMU: Fakultät für Biologie(link is external)
Elite Graduate Program Biomedical Neuroscience
TUM PREP Researcher
TUM Kolleg Teacher(link is external)
Seminars and Lectures:
- Neurobiology of Sleep
- Zoology
- Cognitive Neuroscience