Hier finden Sie ausgewählte wissenschaftliche Publikationen aus der Klinik für Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin, die in Fachzeitschriften oder Lehrbüchern veröffentlicht wurden.
Ahrens E, Tartler TM, Suleiman A, Wachtendorf LJ, Ma H, Chen G, Kendale SM, Kienbaum P, Subramaniam B, Wagner S & Schaefer MS.
Dose-dependent relationship between intra-procedural hypoxaemia or hypocapnia and postoperative delirium in older patients.
British journal of anaesthesia 2023. 130(2), e298–e306. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2022.08.032(link is external).
Anders M, Dreismickenbecker E, Fleckenstein J, Walter C, Enax-Krumova EK, Fischer MJM, Kreuzer M, Zinn S.
EEG-based sensory testing reveals altered nociceptive processing in elite endurance athletes.
Exp Brain Res 2023. 241, 341–354. doi: 10.1007/s00221-022-06522-4(link is external).
Anetsberger A, Bernlochner I, Jungwirth B, Blobner M, Meyer B, Kochs EF, Bongiovanni D, Schmid S, Langgartner C, Baumgart L, & Gempt J.
Association of immature platelets with perioperative complications in neurosurgery.
Platelets 2023. 34(1):2185462. doi:10.1080/09537104.2023.2185462(link is external)
Baumgart L, Aftahy AK, Anetsberger A, Thunstedt D, Wiestler B, Bernhardt D, Combs SE, Meyer B, Meyer HS, & Gempt J.
Brain metastases in the elderly - Impact of residual tumor volume on overall survival.
Front Oncol 2023. 13:1149628.doi:10.3389/fonc.2023.1149628(link is external)
Blobner M, Hunter JM, Ulm K.
How robust are the STRONGER and STIL-STRONGER studies?.
British journal of anaesthesia 2023. 130(1), e41–e44. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2022.08.021(link is external).
Bongiovanni D, Schreiner N, Gosetti R, Mayer K, Angiolillo DJ, Sibbing D, Holdenrieder S, Anetsberger A, von Scheidt M, Schunkert H, Laugwitz KL, Schüpke S, Kastrati A, Fegers-Wustrow I, & Bernlochner I.
Immature Platelet Fraction Predicts Adverse Events in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome: the ISAR-REACT 5 Reticulated Platelet Substudy.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2023. 43(2):e83-e93. doi:10.1161/ATVBAHA.122.318614(link is external)
Bublitz V, Jurth C, Kreuzer M, Lichtner G, von Dincklage F.
Electroencephalogram-based prediction and detection of responsiveness to noxious stimulation in critical care patients: a retrospective single-centre analysis.
Br J Anaesth 2023. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2022.09.031(link is external).
Dubois BFH, Fraessdorf J, Blobner M, Hollmann MW, Mouws EMJP.
Muscle weakness after sugammadex: incomplete reversal of neuromuscular blockade or delayed postoperative recurarisation?.
British journal of anaesthesia 2023. 130(3), e409–e412. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2022.11.016(link is external).
Fleischmann A, Georgii MT, Schuessler J, Schneider G, Pilge S, Kreuzer M.
Always Assess the Raw Electroencephalogram: Why Automated Burst Suppression Detection May Not Detect All Episodes.
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2023. 136(2):p 346-354. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006098(link is external).
Fuest KE, Lanz H, Schulz J, Ulm B, Bennett VA, Grunow JJ, Weiss B, Blobner M & Schaller SJ.
Comparison of Different Ultrasound Methods to Assess Changes in Muscle Mass in Critically ill Patients.
Journal of intensive care medicine 2023. 38(5), 431–439. doi: 10.1177/08850666221132246(link is external).
Gepp S, Jung L, Wabnitz K, Schneider F, v Gierke F, Otto H, Hartmann S, Gemke T, Schulz C, Gabrysch S, Fast M & Schwienhorst-Stich EM.
The Planetary Health Academy—a virtual lecture series for transformative education in Germany.
The Lancet Planetary Health 2023. doi: 10.1016/S2542-5196(22)00253-4(link is external).
Jüstel D, Irl H, Hinterwimmer F, Dehner C, Simson W, Navab N, Schneider G, Ntziachristos V.
Spotlight on Nerves: Portable Multispectral Optoacoustic Imaging of Peripheral Nerve Vascularization and Morphology.
Adv. Sci. 2023. 10, 2301322. doi: 10.1002/advs.202301322(link is external)
Obert, D. P., Schneider, F., Schneider, G., von Dincklage, F., Sepulveda, P., García, P. S., Kratzer, S., & Kreuzer, M.
Performance of the SEDLine Monitor: Age Dependency and Time Delay.
Anesthesia & Analgesia 2023. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006369(link is external).
Shi D, Wong JKY, Zhu K, Noakes PG, Rammes G.
The Anaesthetics Isoflurane and Xenon Reverse the Synaptotoxic Effects of Aβ1–42 on Megf10-Dependent Astrocytic Synapse Elimination and Spine Density in Ex Vivo Hippocampal Brain Slices.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023. 24(2), 912; doi: 10.3390/ijms24020912(link is external).
Trøseid M, Arribas JR, Assoumou L, Holten AR, Poissy J, Terzic V, Schlegel M et al.
Efficacy and safety of baricitinib in hospitalized adults with severe or critical COVID-19 (Bari-SolidAct): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial.
Crit Care 2023. 27(1):9. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-04205-8(link is external).
Wagner S, Ahrens E, Wachtendorf LJ, Suleiman A, Tartler TM, Shay D, Azimaraghi O, Munoz-Acuna R, Chen G, Ma H, Eikermann M & Schaefer MS.
Association of Obstructive Sleep Apnea With Postoperative Delirium in Procedures of Moderate-to-High Complexity: A Hospital-Registry Study.
Anesthesia and analgesia 2023. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006425(link is external).
Wagner S, Breitkopf M, Ahrens E, Ma H, Kuester O, Thomas C, von Arnim CAF & Walther A.
Cognitive function in older patients and their stress challenge using different anesthesia regimes: a single center observational study.
BMC anesthesiology 2023. 23(1), 6. doi: 10.1186/s12871-022-01960-7(link is external).
Anders B, Anders M, Kreuzer M, Zinn S, Fricker L, Maier C, Wolters M, Köhm M, Behrens F, Walter C.
Sensory testing and topical capsaicin can characterize patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Clin Rheumatol. 2022 Aug;41(8):2351-2360. doi: 10.1007/s10067-022-06185-0(link is external).
Aulehner K, Bray J, Koska I, Pace C, Palme R, Kreuzer M, Platt B, Fenzl T, Potschka H.
The impact of tethered recording techniques on activity and sleep patterns in rats.
Sci Rep 12, 3179 (2022). doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-06307-3(link is external).
Baldia PH, Wernly B, Flaatten H, Fjølner J, Artigas A, Pinto BB, Schefold JC, Kelm M, Beil M, Bruno RR, Binnebößel S, Wolff G, Erkens R, Sigal S, van Heerden PV, Szczeklik W, Elhadi M, Joannidis M, Oeyen S, Marsh B, Andersen FH, Moreno R, Leaver S, De Lange DW.
The association of prior paracetamol intake with outcome of very old intensive care patients with COVID-19: results from an international prospective multicentre trial.
BMC Geriatr. 2022 Dec 27;22(1):1000. doi: 10.1186/s12877-022-03709-w(link is external).
Barreto Chang OL, Kreuzer M, Morgen DF, Possin KL, García PS.
Ketamine-Associated Intraoperative Electroencephalographic Signatures of Elderly Patients With and Without Preoperative Cognitive Impairment.
Anesth Analg. 2022 Oct 1;135(4):683-692. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005875(link is external).
Baumann, A. A. W., Conway, N., Doblinger, C., Steinhauser, S., Paszko, A., Lehmann, F., Schneider, G., Schulz, C. M., & Schneider, F.
Mitigation of climate change in health care: A survey for the evaluation of providers' attitudes and knowledge, and their view on their organization's readiness for change
Z. Evid. Fortbil. Qual. Gesundh. wesen (ZEFQ) 173 (2022) 108-115. doi: 10.1016/j.zefq.2022.05.013(link is external).
Becker V, Jedlicska N, Scheide L, Nest A, Kratzer S, Hinzmann D, Wijnen-Meijer M, Berberat PO, Haseneder R.
Changes in medical students´ and anesthesia technician trainees´ attitudes towards interprofessionality - experience from an interprofessional simulation-based course.
BMC Med Educ. 2022 Apr 13;22(1):273. doi: 10.1186/s12909-022-03350-6(link is external).
Beyer, H., Lange, N., Podtschaske, A. H., Martin, J., Albers, L., von Werder, A., Ruland, J., Schneider, G., Meyer, B., Kagerbauer, S. M., & Gempt, J. (2022).
Anterior Pituitary Hormones in Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients in Neurocritical Care.
TouchREVIEWS in endocrinology, 18(1), 71–79. doi: 10.17925/EE.2022.18.1.71(link is external).
Bieber M, Schwerin S, Kreuzer M, Klug C, Henzler M, Schneider G, Haseneder R, Kratzer S
s-ketamine enhances thalamocortical and corticocortical synaptic transmission in acute murine brain slices via increased AMPA-receptor-mediated pathways
Front Syst Neurosci. 2022 Dec 22;16:1044536. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2022.1044536(link is external).
Blazer A, Qian Y, Schlegel MP, Algasas H, Buyon JP, Cadwell K, Cammer M, Heffron SP, Liang F-X, Mehta-Lee S, Niewold T, Rasmussen SE and Clancy RM.
APOL1 variant-expressing endothelial cells exhibit autophagic dysfunction and mitochondrial stress.
Front. Genet. 13:769936. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.769936(link is external).
Blobner M, Hollmann MW, Luedi MM & Johnson KB.
Pro-Con Debate: Do We Need Quantitative Neuromuscular Monitoring in the Era of Sugammadex?.
Anesthesia and analgesia, 2022, 135(1), 39–48. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005925(link is external).
Blum LV, Schmitt E, Choorapoikayil S, Baumhove O, Bayer A, Friederich P, Friedrich J, Geisen C, Gruenewald M, Gutjahr M, Herrmann E, Müller M, Narita D, Raadts A, Schwendner K, Seifried E, Stark P, Thoma J, Weigt H, Wiesenack C, … German PBM Network Collaborators.
Association of anaemia, co-morbidities and red blood cell transfusion according to age groups: multicentre sub-analysis of the German Patient Blood Management Network Registry.
BJS open 2022. 6(6), zrac128. doi: 10.1093/bjsopen/zrac128(link is external).
Borgstedt L, Bratke S, Blobner M, Pötzl C, Ulm B, Jungwirth B and Schmid S.
Isoflurane has no effect on cognitive or behavioral performance in a mouse model of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease.
Front. Neurosci.(2022) 16:1033729. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.1033729(link is external).
Bruno RR, Wernly B, Flaatten H, Fjølner J, Artigas A, Baldia PH, Binneboessel S, Bollen Pinto B, Schefold JC, Wolff G, Kelm M, Beil M, Sviri S, van Heerden PV, Szczeklik W, Elhadi M, Joannidis M, Oeyen S, Kondili E, Marsh B, Wollborn J, Andersen FH, Moreno R, Leaver S, Boumendil A, De Lange DW, Guidet B, Jung C; COVIP study group.
The association of the Activities of Daily Living and the outcome of old intensive care patients suffering from COVID-19.
Ann Intensive Care. 2022 Mar 18;12(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s13613-022-00996-9(link is external).
Cassim TZ, McGregor KM, Nocera JR, García VV, Sinon CG, Kreuzer M, García PS.
Effects of exercise on the sleep microarchitecture in the aging brain: A study on a sedentary sample.
Front Syst Neurosci. 2022 Oct 26;16:855107. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2022.855107(link is external).
Conway Morris A, Kohler K, De Corte T, Ercole A, De Grooth HJ, Elbers PWG, Povoa P, Morais R, Koulenti D, Jog S, Nielsen N, Jubb A, Cecconi M, De Waele J; ESICM UNITE COVID investigators.
Co-infection and ICU-acquired infection in COIVD-19 ICU patients: a secondary analysis of the UNITE-COVID data set.
Crit Care. 2022 Aug 3;26(1):236. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-04108-8(link is external).
Dodt C, Hinzmann D.
Steuerung der Notfallversorgung während der Pandemie.
In: Klauber, J., Wasem, J., Beivers, A., Mostert, C. (eds) Krankenhaus-Report 2022.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2022. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-64685-4_11(link is external).
Fan H, Sievert W, Hofmann J, Keppler SJ, Steiger K, Puig-Bosch X, Haller B, Rammes G, Multhoff G.
Partial-Brain Radiation-Induced Microvascular Cognitive Impairment in Juvenile Murine Unilateral Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity.
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics, 2022, 112(3), 747–758. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.09.041(link is external).
Fuchsgruber F, Tölke L, & Friederich P.
Bedeutung patientenspezifischer Risikofaktoren für die regionale zerebrale Sauerstoffsättigung in „Beach-chair“-Position [Significance of patient-specific risk factors for regional cerebral oxygen saturation in beach chair position].
Der Anaesthesist, 2022, 71(3), 201–209. doi: 10.1007/s00101-021-01014-6(link is external).
Fuest KE, Erber J, Berg-Johnson W, Heim M, Hoffmann D, Kapfer B, Kriescher S, Ulm B, Schmid RM, Rasch S, Lahmer T.
Risk factors for Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infections in critically-ill COVID-19 patients.
Multidiscip Respir Med. 2022 Mar 1;17(1):815. doi: 10.4081/mrm.2022.815(link is external).
Fuest KE, Hofberger C, Lorenz M, Ulm B, Kanz KG, Blobner M, Schaller SJ.
Excessive hospitalization of patients with seizures in the Germany prehospital emergency system: a retrospective cohort study.
Sci Rep. 2022 Jun 27;12(1):10866. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-15115-8(link is external).
Fuest KE, Servatius A, Ulm B, Schaller SJ, Jungwirth B, Blobner M, Schmid S.
Perioperative Hemodynamic Optimization in Patients at Risk for Delirium - A Randomized-Controlled Trial.
Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Jul 13;9:893459. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.893459(link is external).
Gartner D, Viana J, Rostami Tabar B, Pförringer D & Edenharter G.
Challenging the throwaway culture in hospitals: Scheduling the mix of reusable and Single-Use bronchoscopes
Taylor & Friends, 2022, doi: 10.1080/01605682.2022.2129490(link is external).
Georgii MT, Kreuzer M, Fleischmann A, Schuessler J, Schneider G, Pilge S
Targeted Interventions to Increase Blood Pressure and Decrease Anaesthetic Concentrations Reduce Intraoperative Burst Suppression: A Randomised, Interventional Clinical Trial
Front Syst Neurosci. 2022 Mar 4;16:786816. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2022.786816.(link is external)
Gierthmühlen J, Böhmer J, Attal N, Bouhassira D, Freynhagen R, Haanpää M, Hansson P, Jensen TS, Kennedy J, Maier C, Rice ASC, Sachau J, Segerdahl M, Sindrup S, Tölle T, Treede RD, Ventzel L, Vollert J, & Baron R.
Association of sensory phenotype with quality of life, functionality, and emotional well-being in patients suffering from neuropathic pain.
Pain. 2022;163(7):1378-1387. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002501(link is external)
Greco M, De Corte T, Ercole A, Antonelli M, Azoulay E, Citerio G, Morris AC, De Pascale G, Duska F, Elbers P, Einav S, Forni L, Galarza L, Girbes ARJ, Grasselli G, Gusarov V, Jubb A, Kesecioglu J, Lavinio A, Delgado MCM, Mellinghoff J, Myatra SN, Ostermann M, Pellegrini M, Povoa P, Schaller SJ, Teboul JL, Wong A, De Waele JJ, Cecconi M; ESICM UNITE-COVID investigators.
Clinical and organizational factors associated with mortality during the peak of first COVID-19 wave: the global UNITE-COVID study.
Intensive Care Med. 2022 Jun;48(6):690-705. doi: 10.1007/s00134-022-06705-1(link is external).
Grimaldi G, Hinzmann D, Walcher F.
Potenziell traumatisierende Ereignisse von Medizinpersonal.
In: Blaschke S, Walcher F, KullaM Wrede C (Hrgs). SOP Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Notaufnahme.
MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2022.
Herrmann J, Lotz C, Karagiannidis C, Weber-Carstens S, Kluge S, Putensen C, Wehrfritz A, Schmidt K, Ellerkmann RK, Oswald D, Lotz G, Zotzmann V, Moerer O, Kühn C, Kochanek M, Muellenbach R, Gaertner M, Fichtner F, Brettner F, Findeisen M, … German ECMO COVID Study Group.
Key characteristics impacting survival of COVID-19 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Critical care (London, England), 2022, 26(1), 190. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-04053-6(link is external).
Hinzmann, D., Forster, A., Koll-Krüsmann, M., Schießl, A., Schneider, F., Sigl-Erkel, T., Igl, A., & Heininger, S. K.
Calling for Help—Peer-Based Psychosocial Support for Medical Staff by Telephone—A Best Practice Example from Germany
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(23), 15453. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192315453(link is external).
Hinzmann D, Haneveld J, Heininger SK, Spitznagel N.
Is it time to rethink education and training? Learning how to perform under pressure: An observational study.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2022 Dec 30;101(52):e32302. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000032302(link is external).
Hinzmann D, Heininger S, Igl A.
Peer Support – Unterstützung durch Kollegen.
In: Deffner et al. (Hrsg.). Praxisbuch Psychologie in der Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin.
MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2022.
Hinzmann D, Koll-Krüsmann M, Forster A, Schießl A, Igl A, Heininger SK.
First Results of Peer Training for Medical Staff-Psychosocial Support through Peer Support in Health Care.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Dec 16;19(24):16897. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192416897(link is external).
Hinzmann D, Schütte-Nütgen K, Büssing A, Boenisch O, Busch HJ, Dodt C, Friederich P, Kochanek M, Michels G, Frick E.
Critical Care Providers' Moral Distress: Frequency, Burden, and Potential Resources.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Dec 26;20(1):333. doi: 10.3390/ijerph20010333(link is external).
Hinzmann, D., Singer, M., Schmelter, V., Kreiser, K., Gehling, K., Strober, L., Kirschke, J. S., Schulz, C. M., & Schneider, F.
Differences in beginner and expert neurointerventionalists" heart rate variability during simulated neuroangiographies.
Interventional Neuroradiology. 2022;0(0). doi:10.1177/15910199221128439(link is external).
Hoffmann F, Landeg M, Rittberg W, Hinzmann D, Steinbrunner D, Hey F, Heinen F, Kanz KG, Bogner-Flatz V.
Der Notfall beim Kind – zunehmende Versorgungsengpässe für Kinder in einer systematischen Langzeitanalyse des Rettungssystems einer deutschen Metropole [Childhood emergencies-worsening healthcare bottlenecks for children in a systematic long-term analysis of the EMS system in a German metropolis].
Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed. 2022 Jun;117(5):358-366. German. doi: 10.1007/s00063-021-00831-2.(link is external)
Judd L, Hof L, Beladdale L, Friederich P, Thoma J, Wittmann M, Zacharowski K, Meybohm P, Choorapoikayil S & prevalence of pre-operative anaemia in surgical patients (PANDORA) study collaborators.
Prevalence of pre-operative anaemia in surgical patients: a retrospective, observational, multicentre study in Germany.
Anaesthesia 2022. 77(11), 1209–1218. doi: 10.1111/anae.15847(link is external).
Knochel K, Adaktylos-Surber K, Schmolke EM, Meier LJ, Kuehlmeyer K, Ulm K, Buyx A, Schneider G & Heim M.
Preparing for the Worst-Case Scenario in a Pandemic: Intensivists Simulate Prioritization and Triage of Scarce ICU Resources.
Critical care medicine, 2022, 50(12), 1714–1724. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005684(link is external).
Kowark A, Berger M, Rossaint R, Schmid M, Coburn M, POSE-Study group.
Association between benzodiazepine premedication and 30-day mortality rate: A propensity-score weighted analysis of the Peri-interventional Outcome Study in the Elderly (POSE).
European journal of anaesthesiology, 2022, 39(3), 210–218. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001638(link is external).
Linassi F, Maran E, De Laurenzis A, Tellaroli P, Kreuzer M, Schneider G, Navalesi P, Carron M.
Targeted temperature management in cardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis on postoperative cognitive outcomes:
Br J Anaesth. 2022 Jan;128(1):11-25. doi: 10.1016/j.bja.2021.09.042(link is external).
Lindholz M, Schellenberg CM, Grunow JJ, Kagerbauer S, Milnik A, Zickler D, Angermair S, Reißhauer A, Witzenrath M, Menk M, Boie S, Balzer F, Schaller SJ.
Mobilisation of critically ill patients receiving norepinephrine: a retrospective cohort study.
Critical care (London, England), 2022, 26(1), 362. doi: 10.1186/s13054-022-04245-0(link is external).
Lutz R, Müller C, Dragovic S, Schneider F, Ribbe K, Anders M, Schmid S, García PS, Schneider G, Kreuzer M, Kratzer S
The absence of dominant alpha-oscillatory EEG activity during emergence from delta-dominant anesthesia predicts neurocognitive impairment- results from a prospective observational trial.
J Clin Anesth 2022; 82. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinane.2022.110949(link is external).
Mayr NP, Pellegrini C, Rheude T & Joner M.
Verwendung eines hypoglossalen Nervenstimulators während der Analgosedierung bei kathetergestützter Aortenklappenimplantation [Use of a hypoglossal nerve stimulator during analgosedation in transcatheter aortic valve implantation].
Die Anaesthesiologie 2022. 71(12), 945–948. doi: 10.1007/s00101-022-01201-z(link is external).
Murillo C, Weng HY, Weil AB, Kreuzer M, Ko JC.
Perioperative Brain Function Monitoring with Electroencephalography in Horses Anesthetized with Multimodal Balanced Anesthetic Protocol Subjected to Surgeries
Animals (Basel). 2022 Oct 20;12(20):2851. doi: 10.3390/ani12202851(link is external).
Niu YL, Mayr NP, Chen YH, Chang HH, Wang SP, Lin HY & Pai, CC.
Successful Urgent TAVI for Critical Aortic Valve Stenosis after ECMO Implantation.
Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) 2022. 58(3), 356. doi: 10.3390/medicina58030356(link is external).
Obert DP, Hight D, Sleigh J, Kaiser HA, García PS, Schneider G, Kreuzer M.
The First Derivative of the Electroencephalogram Facilitates Tracking of Electroencephalographic Alpha Band Activity During General Anesthesia.
Anesth Analg. 2022 May 1;134(5):1062-1071. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000005783(link is external).
Pellegrini C, Duesmann C, Rheude T, Berg A, Alvarez-Covarrubias HA, Trenkwalder T, Mayr NP, Schürmann F, Nicol P, Xhepa E & Joner M.
The impact of extra-valvular cardiac damage on mid-term clinical outcome following transcatheter aortic valve replacement in patients with severe aortic stenosis.
Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine 2022. 9, 1039208. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.1039208(link is external).
Pellegrini C, Xhepa E, Ndrepepa G, Alvarez-Covarrubias H, Kufner S, Lahmann AL, Rheude T, Rai H, Mayr NP, Schunkert H, Kastrati A, Joner M & Cassese S.
Antithrombotic therapy with or without clopidogrel after transcatheter aortic valve replacement. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Clinical research in cardiology : official journal of the German Cardiac Society 2022. 111(1), 14–22. doi: 10.1007/s00392-020-01791-x(link is external).
Pradhan AK, Shi Q, Tartler KJ, & Rammes G.
Quantification of astrocytic synaptic pruning in mouse hippocampal slices in response to ex vivo Aβ treatment via colocalization analysis with C1q.
STAR protocols, 2022, 3(4), 101687. doi: 10.1016/j.xpro.2022.101687(link is external).
Podtschaske AH, Martin J, Ulm B, Jungwirth B, Kagerbauer SM.
Sex-specific issues of central and peripheral arginine-vasopressin concentrations in neurocritical care patients.
BMC neuroscience, 2022, 23(1), 69. doi: 10.1186/s12868-022-00757-1(link is external).
POSE-Study group (2022).
Peri-interventional outcome study in the elderly in Europe: A 30-day prospective cohort study.
European journal of anaesthesiology, 39(3), 198–209. doi: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001639(link is external).
Puig-Bosch X, Bieletzki S, Zeilhofer HU, Rudolph U, Antkowiak B, & Rammes G.
Midazolam at Low Nanomolar Concentrations Affects Long-term Potentiation and Synaptic Transmission Predominantly via the α1-γ-Aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptor Subunit in Mice.
Anesthesiology, 2022, 136(6), 954–969. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000004202(link is external).
Reiser J, Kreuzer M, Werner J, Saller AM, Fischer J, Senf S, Deffner P, Abendschön N, Groll T, Grott A, Miller R, Bergmann S, Erhard MH, Ritzmann M, Zöls S, Schneider G, Steiger K, Baumgartner C.
Nociception-Induced Changes in Electroencephalographic Activity and FOS Protein Expression in Piglets Undergoing Castration under Isoflurane Anaesthesia.
Animals (Basel). 2022 Sep 6;12(18):2309. doi: 10.3390/ani12182309(link is external).
Rheude T, Pellegrini C, Allali A, Bleiziffer S, Kim WK, Neuser J, Landt M, Rudolph T, Renker M, Widder JD, Qu L, Alvarez-Covarrubias HA, Mayr NP, Richardt G, Xhepa E & Joner M.
Multicenter comparison of latest-generation balloon-expandable versus self-expanding transcatheter heart valves: Ultra versus Evolut.
International journal of cardiology 2022. 357, 115–120. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2022.03.043(link is external).
Rio JPMD, Bittencourt JV, Corrêa LA, Freynhagen R, Reis FJJD, Melo TB, Galace D, & Nogueira LAC.
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Krautheim, V., A. Schmitz, G. Benze, T. Standl, C. Schiessl, W. Waldeyer, A. Hapfelmeier, E. F. Kochs, G. Schneider, K. J. Wagner and C. M. Schulz (2017). "Self-confidence and knowledge of German ICU physicians in palliative care - a multicentre prospective study."
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Schmid S, Jungwirth B, Gehlert V, Blobner M, Schneider G, Kratzer S, Kellermann K, Rammes G. Intracerebroventricular injection of beta-amyloid in mice is associated with long-term cognitive impairment in the modified hole-board test.
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Rammes G, Starker LK, Haseneder R, Berkmann J, Plack A, Zieglgänsberger W, Ohl F, Kochs EF, Blobner M: Isoflurane anaesthesia reversibly improves cognitive function and long-term potentiation (LTP) via an up-regulation in NMDA receptor 2B subunit expression.
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Wagner KJ, Unterbuchner C, Bogdanski R, Martin J, Kochs EF, Tassani-Prell P: Postoperative acute mitral regurgitation. Unexpected finding after minor non-cardiac surgery.
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Rammes G, Danysz W, Parsons CG: Pharmacodynamics of Memantine: An Update.
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Ranft A, Kurz J, Becker K, Dodt HU, Zieglgansberger W, Rammes G, Kochs E, Eder M: Nitrous oxide (N (2) O) pre- and postsynaptically attenuates NMDA receptor-mediated neurotransmission in the amygdala.
Neuropharmacology 2007; 52(3): 716-23
Schierloh A, Deussing J, Wurst W, Zieglgansberger W, Rammes G: Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) receptor type 1-dependent modulation of synaptic plasticity.
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Schneider G, Kochs EF: The search for structures and mechanisms controlling anesthesia-induced unconsciousness.
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Stockmanns G, Ningler M, Omerovic A, Kochs EF, Schneider G: NeuMonD: a tool for the development of new indicators of anaesthetic effect.
Biomed Tech 2007; 52: 96-101
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Wagner KJ, Sprenger T, Kochs EF, Tolle TR, Valet M, Willoch F: Imaging Human Cerebral Pain Modulation by Dose-dependent Opioid Analgesia: A Positron Emission Tomography Activation Study Using Remifentanil.
Anesthesiology 2007; 106(3): 548-56
Zanner R, Wilhelm D, Feussner H, Schneider G: Evaluation of M-AID((R)), a first aid application for mobile phones.
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Bauer M, Scholz J, Marz S, Spies C, Wulf H, Boldt J, Puhringer FK, Laubenthal H, Kochs EF: Current level of patients' knowledge of anaesthesiology.
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Blum J, Kochs E, Forster N, Schneider G: The Influence of Injection Rate on the Hypnotic Effect of Propofol during Anesthesia: A Randomized Trial.
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Bretschneider M, Kreuzer M, Drexler B, Hentschke H, Antkowiak B, Schwarz C, Kochs EF, Schneider G:Coherence of in vitro and in vivo field potential activity and EEG, detected by ordinal analysis.
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Domenici MR, Azad SC, Marsicano G, Schierloh A, Wotjak CT, Dodt HU, Zieglgansberger W, Lutz B, Rammes G: Cannabinoid receptor type 1 located on presynaptic terminals of principal neurons in the forebrain controls glutamatergic synaptic transmission.
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Eberspacher E, Heimann K, Hollweck R, Werner C, Schneider G, Engelhard K: The effect of electroencephalogram-targeted high- and low-dose propofol infusion on histopathological damage after traumatic brain injury in the rat.
Anesth Analg 2006; 103(6): 1527-33
Eikermann M, Blobner M, Groeben H, Rex C, Grote T, Neuhauser M, Beiderlinden M, Peters J: Postoperative upper airway obstruction after recovery of the train of four ratio of the adductor pollicis muscle from neuromuscular blockade.
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Helming M, Fink H, Frick C, Kochs EF, Martyn JA, Blobner M: Recovery after Critical Illness Myopathy - Effects of Immobilization and Inflammation in Rats.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2006; 18 (4): 305-306
Himmelseher S, Kochs E: InduzierteHypothermie nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma.
Journal für Anästhesie und Intensivbehandlung 2006; 1: 118-120
Hofmockel R , Pohl B,Bajorat J, Blobner M: Onset properties of mivacurium measured by mechanomyography depend on the twitch height of the adductor pollicis muscle.
Eur J Anaesthesiology 2006; May 4: 1-5
Horn B, Kreuzer M, Kochs EF, Schneider G: Different states of anesthesia can be detected by Benford's Law.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2006; 18(4): 328-329
Jeleazcov C, Schneider G, Daunderer M, Scheller B, Schuttler J, Schwilden H: The discriminant power of simultaneous monitoring of spontaneous electroencephalogram and evoked potentials as a predictor of different clinical states of general anesthesia.
Anesth Analg 2006; 103(4): 894-901
Jordan D, Schneider G, Hock A, Hensel T, Stockmanns G, Kochs EF: EEG parameters and their combination as indicators of depth of anaesthesia.
Biomed Tech 2006; 51(2): 89-94
Jungwirth B, Mackensen GB, Blobner M, Neff F, Reichart B, Kochs E, Nollert G: Neurologic outcome after cardiopulmonary bypass with deep hypothermic circulatory arrest in cats: Description of a new model.
J Thorac Cardiovas Surg 2006; 131: 805-812
Jungwirth B, Gordan L, Blobner M, Schmehl W, Kochs E, Mackensen B: Xenon impairs neurocognitive and histologic outcome after cardiopulmonary bypass combined with cerebral air embolism in rats.
Anesthesiology 2006; 104: 770-776
Jungwirth B, Kellermann KM, Qing M, Mackensen GB, Blobner M, Kochs EF: Cerebral inflammatory reaction and neurocognitive performance after cardiopulmonary bypass in rats.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2006; 18(4): 316-317
Kubitz JC, Kemming GI, Schultheiss G, Starke J, Podtschaske A, Goetz AE, Reuter D: The influence of PEEP and tidal volume on central blood volume.
Eur J Anaesthesiology 2006; Jun 20: 1-8
Leistritz L, Galicki M, Kochs E, Zwick EB, Fitzek C, Reichenbach JR, Witte H: Application of Generalized Dynamic Neural Networks to Biomedical Data.
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Lücke D, Stockmanns G, Gallinat M, Kochs EF, Schneider G: Auditory Evoked Potentials for the Assessment of Depth of Anaesthesia: Different Configurations of Artefact Detection Algorithms.
Biomed Tech 2006 (accepted) (wird nachgereicht, wenn erschienen)
Martyn JAJ, Richtsfeld Martina: Succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia in acquired pathologic states.
Anesthesiology 2006; 104: 158-169
Pilge S, Zanner R, Schneider G, Blum J, Kreuzer M, Kochs EF: Time Delay of Index Calculation: Analysis of Cerebral State, Bispectral, and Narcotrend Indices.
Anesthesiology 2006; 104(3): 488-494
Rammes G, Schierloh A: Neramexane (merz pharmaceuticals/forest laboratories).
IDrugs 2006; 9(2): 128-35
Scheller B, Zwissler B, Daunderer M, Schneider G, Schwender D, Rentschler I: The influence of wavelets on multiscale analysis and parametrization of midlatency auditory evoked potentials.
Biological Cybernetics 2006; 95(3): 193-203
Schneider G: Intraoperative Wachheit.
Arzt und Krankenhaus 2006; 9: 266-70
Sprenger T, Valet M, Boecker H, Henriksen G, Spilker ME, Willoch F, Wagner K, Wester HJ, Tölle T: Opioidergic activation in the medial pain system after heat pain.
Pain 2006; 122: 63-67
Sprenger T, Valet M, Woltmann R, Zimmer C, Freynhagen R, Kochs E, Tölle TR, Wagner KJ: Imaging pain modulation by subanesthetic S-(+)-Ketamine.
Anesth Analg 2006; 103: 729-37
Stockmanns G, Ningler M, Omerovich A, Kochs E, Schneider G: NeuMonD: A Tool for the Development of new Indicators of Anaesthetic Effect.
Biomed Tech 2006 (accepted) (wird nachgereicht, wenn erschienen)
Vahle-Hinz C, Detsch O, Siemers M, Kochs E: Contributions of GABAergic and glutamatergic mechanisms to isoflurane-induced suppression of thalamic somatosensory information transfer.
Exp Brain Res 2006; Jul 18
Wagner K, Kochs E, Krautheim V, Gerdesmeyer L: Perioperative Schmerztherapie in der Kniegelenkdoprothetik.
Orthopädie 2006; 35: 153-161
Wagner K, Sprenger T, Pecho C, Kochs E, Tölle T, Berthele A, Gerdesmeyer L: Schwerwiegende Risiken und Komplikationen der epiduralen Neurolyse nach Racz.
Anästhesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther 2006; 41: 213-222
Zanner R, Moser N, Blobner M, Luppa PB: Transport of blood gas samples: Is the pneumatic tube system safe?
Anaesthesist 2006; 19 Juli 2006
Zanner R, Schneider G, Kochs EF: Falsely increased bispectral index values caused by the use of a forced-air-warming device.
Eur J Anaesthesiology 2006; 23: 618-9
Zanner R, Kreuzer M, Kochs EF, Schneider G: Time delay of state entropy calculation.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol 2006; 18(4): 308
Azad S.C., Huge V., Schops P., Hilf C., Beyer A., Dodt H.U., Rammes G., Zieglgänsberger W.: Endogenous cannabinoid system. Effect on neuronal plasticity and pain memory.
Schmerz. 2005; 19(6):521-7
Blobner M: Neuromuskuläre Restblockaden vermeiden.
Klinikarzt 2005; 34: 10
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J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2005 Oct; 19(5): 589-96
Eberspächer E, Baumgartner C, Henke J, Erhardt W: Invasive Blutdruckmessung nach intramuskulärer Verabreichung von Acepromazin als Narkoseprämedikation beim Hund.
Tierärztl Prax 2005; 33: 27-31
Eberspächer E, Werner C, Engelhard K, Pape M, Laacke L, Winner Hollweck R, Hutzler P, Kochs E: Long-term effects of hypothermia on neuronal cell death and concentration of apoptotic proteins after incomplete cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in rats.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2005; 49: 477-487
Eisensamer B, Uhr M, Meyr S, Gimpl G, Deiml T, Rammes G, Lambert JJ, Zieglgansberger W, Holsboer F, Rupprecht R: Antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs colocalize with 5-HT3 receptors in raft-like domains.
J Neurosci. 2005 Nov 2; 25(44): 10198-206
Fink H, Bogdanski R, Luppa P, Martyn JA, Blobner M: Nitric oxide is not a mediator of inflammation-induced resistance to atracurium.
Anesth Analg. 2005 Nov; 101(5): 1362-7
Geldner GF, Blobner M: GW280430A.
Anesthesiology. 2005 Apr; 102(4): 861; author reply 862-5
Gerdesmeyer L, Lampe R, Veihelmann A, Burghart R, Gobel M, Gollwitzer H, Wagner K: Chronische Radikulopathie. Einsatz der minimal-invasiven perkutanen epiduralen Neurolyse nach Racz.
Schmerz 2005; 19: 285-295
Himmelseher S, Durieux ME: Ketamine for Perioperative Pain Management.
Anesthesiology 2005; 102: 211-220
Himmelseher S, Durieux ME: Revising a dogma: Ketamine for patients with neurological injury?
Anesth Analg 2005; 101: 524-534
Kapfer B, Alfonsi P, Guignard B, Sessler DI, Chauvin M: Nefopam and ketamine comparably enhance postoperative analgesia.
Anesth Analg. 2005 Jan; 100(1): 169-174
Kochs E, Schneider G, Horn B, Kreuzer M, Ningler M: Narcotrend unterscheidet EEG vor Bewusstseinsverlust nicht von EEG nach Bewusstseinsverlust - eine EEG-Reanalyse.
Anästhesiologie und Intensivmedizin 2005; 46(3): 70
Luecke D, Schneider G, Gallinat M, Stockmanns G, Kochs E: Determination of significant parameters from auditory evoked potentials and their combination for assessment of depth of anaesthesia.
Biomedizinische Technik 2005; 50(S1): 487-8
Scheller B, Schneider G, Daunderer M, Kochs EF, Zwissler B: High-frequency components of auditory evoked potentials are detected in responsivene but not in unconscious patients.
Anesthesiology 2005; 103: 944-950
Schmid S, Schneider G, Ningler M, Stockmanns G, Kochs E: Auditory evoked potential analysis in depth of anaesthesia monitoring: Extraction procedure with a reduced number of sweeps and a latency based index.
Biomedizinische Technik 2005; 50(S1): 1424-5
Schneider G, Hollweck R, Ningler M, Stockmanns G, Kochs EF: Detection of consciousness by electroencephalogram and auditory evoked potentials.
Anesthesiology 2005; 103: 934-943
Schneider G.: Cerebrales Monitoring während der Narkose: EEG und akustisch evozierte Potentiale.
Journal für Anästhesie und Intensivbehandlung 4: 57-9, 2005
Schreiber C, Bleiziffer S, Kostolny M, Horer J, Eicken A, Holper K, Tassani-Prell P, Lange R: Minimally invasive midaxillary muscle sparing thoracotomy for atrial septal defect closure in prepubescent patients.
Ann Thorac Surg. 2005 Aug; 80(2): 673-6
Schwilden H, Kochs E, Daunderer M, Jeleazcov C, Scheller B, Schneider G, Schüttler J, Schwender D, Stockmanns G, Pöppel E: Concurrent recording of AEP, SSEP and EEG parameters during anaesthesia: a factor analysis.
Br J Anaesth 2005; 95: 197-206
Wagner K, Möllenberg O, Rentrop M, Werner C, Kochs E: Guide to anaesthetic selection for electroconvulsive therapy.
CNS Drugs. 2005; 19(9): 745-58
Werner C, Lu H, Engelhard K, Unbehaun N, Kochs E: Sevoflurane impairs cerebral blood flow autoregulation in rats: Reversal by nonselective nitric oxide synthase inhibition.
Anesth Analg 2005; 101: 509-516
Arenbeck H, Schneider G, Kochs E, Stockmanns G: Automatische Verifikation akustisch evozierter Potentiale für das Narkosemonitoring unter besonderer Berücksichtigung artefaktbehafteter Signale.
Biomedizinische Technik 2004; 49: 308-9
Argiriadou H, Himmelseher S, Papagiannopoulou P, Georgiou M, Kanakoudis F, Giala M, Kochs E: Improvement of pain treatment after major abdominal surgery by intravenous S(+)-ketamin.
Anesthesia Analgesia 2004; 98: 1413-8
Azad S, Monory K, Marsicano G, Cravatt BF, Lutz B, Zieglgänsberger, Rammes G: Circuitry for associative plasticity in the amygdala involved endocannabinoid signaling.
J Neurosc 2004; 24: 9553-9961
Dressler O, Schneider G, Stockmanns G, Kochs E: Awareness and the EEG power spectrum: analysis of frequencies.
Br J Anaesth 2004; 93: 806-9
Bickel H, Gradinger R, Kochs E, Wagner K, Förstl H: Incidence and risk factors of delirium after hip surgery.
Psychiatr Prax 2004; 31: 360-5
Deiml T, Haseneder R, Zieglgänsberger W, Rammes G, Eisensamer B, Rupprecht R, Hapfelmeier G: Alpha-Thujone reduces 5-HT3 receptor acitivity by an effect on the agonist-induced desensitization.
Neuropharmacol 2004; 46: 192-201
Engelhard K, Werner C, Eberspächer E, Pape M, Stegemann U, Kellermann K, Hollweck R, Hutzler P, Kochs E: Influence of propofol on neuronal damage and apoptotic factors after incomplete cerebral ischemia and reperfusion in rats.
Anesthesiology 2004; 101: 912-7
Engelhard K, Werner C, Eberspächer E, Pape M, Blobner M, Hutzler P, Kochs E: Sevoflurane and propofol influence the expression of apoptosis-regulating proteins after cerebral ischaemia and reperfusion in rats.
Eur J Anaest 2004; 21: 530-537
Engelhard K, Reeker W, Kochs E, Werner C: Effect of remifentanil on intracranial pressure and cerebral blood flow velocity in patients with head trauma.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2004; 48: 396-399
Fink H, Yasuhara S, Blobner M, Martyn JA: Up-regulation of acetylcholine receptors during subchronic infusion of pancuronium is caused by a posttranscriptional mechanism related to disuse.
Crit Care Med 2004; 32: 509-13
Haseneder R, Kurz J, Dodt HU, Kochs E, Zieglgänsberger W, Scheller M, Rammes G, Hapfelmeier G: Isoflurane reduces glutamatergic transmission in neurons in the spinal cord superficial dorsal horn: evidence for a presynaptic site of analgesic action.
Anesthesia Analgesia 2004; 98: 1718-1723
Himmelseher S, Hypothermie bei Schädel-Hirn-Trauma.
Anästh Intensivmed 2004; 45: 262-282
Kochs E, Der kardiale Risikopatient für nicht-kardiale Eingriffe.
WMW 2004; Skriptum 3: 11-12
Mackensen GB, Gelb AW: Postoperative cognitive deficits: more questions than answers.
Eur J Anaesthesiol 2004; 21: 85-88
Mackensen GB, Grocott HP, Newman MF: Cardiopulmonary bypass and the brain.
Kay PH and Munsch CM: Techniques in Extracorporeal Circulation, Fourth Edition, Arnold Publishers 2004; 148-176
Müller T, Glaß J, Müller D, Link A, Schenk C, Rammes G: Einsatz von Xilopar bei der Parkinson-Krankheit (Effect of Xilopar in the treatment of Parkinson disease).
Akt Neurol 2004; 31: 357-352
Ningler M, Stockmanns G, Schneider G, Dressler O, Kochs E: Rough set-based classification of EEG-signals to detect intraoperative awareness: comparison of fuzzy and crisp discretization of real value attributes.
Rough Sets and Current trends in Computing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) 2004; 4: 825-34
Ningler M, Stockmanns G, Schneider G, Kochs E: Regeln zur Unterscheidung von Wach- und Narkose-EEG basierend auf der Anwendung von Rough Set Methoden und Fuzzy-Diskretisierung.
Biomedizinische Technik 2004; 49: 310-1
Rammes G, Eisensamer B, Ferrari U, Shapa M, Gimpl G, Gilling K, Parsons C, Riering K, Hapfelmeier G, Bondy B, Zieglgänsberger W, Holsboer F, Rupprecht R: Antipsychotic drugs antagonize human serotonin type 3 receptor currents in a noncompetitive manner.
Mol Psychiatr 2004; 0: 1-13
Ranft A, Kochs E: Rektale Prämedikation von Kindern. Zu Behrend CM (1931) Weitere Erfahrungen mit der Rectalnarkose.
Chirurg 2004; 75: 1224-1228
Ranft A, Kurz J, Deuringer M, Haseneder R, Dodt HU,k Zieglgänsberger W, Kochs E, Eder M, Hapfelmeier G: Isoflurane modulates glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission in the amygdala.
Eur J Neuroscience 2004; 20: 1276-1280
Ranft A, Kochs E: Therapie anaphylaktischer Reaktionen: Synopsis bestehender Leitlinien und Empfehlungen.
Anästh Intensivmed Notffallmed Schmerzther 2004; 39: 2-9
Schneider G, Mappes A, Neissendorfer T, Schabacker M, Kuppe H, Kochs E: EEG-based indices of anaesthesia: correlation between bispectral index and patient state index?
Eur J Anaesthesiol 2004; 21: 6-12
Schneider G, Heglmeier S, Schneider J, Tempel G, Kochs E: Patient state index (PSI) measures depth of sedation in intensive care patients.
Int Care Med 2004; 30: 213-216
Schneider G, Schmidt G. N.: Patient State Analyser und SNAP.
In: Wilhelm W., Bruhn J., Kreuer S. (Hrsg.): Überwachung der Narkosetiefe. Grundlagen und klinische Praxis.
Deutscher Ärzteverlag 2004; 150-66.
Schneider G, Schöniger S, Kochs E, Sleigh J: Does bispectral analysis add anything but complexity? BIS sub-components may be superior to BIS for detection of awareness.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2004; 93: 596-7
Schneider G, Kochs E, Arenbeck H, Gallinat M, Stockmanns G: Signal Verification of middle latency auditory evoked potentials by automated detection of the brainstem response.
Anesthesiology 2004; 101: 321-6
Schneider G, Kochs E, Horn B, Kreuzer M, Ningler M: Narcotrend does not adequately detect the transition between awareness and unconsciousness in surgical patients.
Anesthesiology 2004; 101: 1105-11
Schraag S, Schneider G: Awareness.
in: Wilhelm W., Bruhn J., Kreuer S. (Hrsg.): Überwachung der Narkosetiefe. Grundlagen und klinische Praxis.
Deutscher Ärzteverlag 2004; 197-217
Spilker ME, Sprenger T, Valet M, Henriksen G, Wagner K, Wester HJ, Toelle TR, Boecker H: Quantification of 18Fdiprenorphine kinetics in the human brain with compartmental and non-compartmental modeling approaches.
NeuroImage 2004; 22: 1523-1533
Zanner R, Gratzl M, Prinz C: Expression of the endocytic proteins dynamin and amphiphysin in rat gastric enterochromaffin-like cells.
J Cell Sci. 2004; 117: 2369-76
Blobner M, Söhnel AM, van de Roemer A, Bachmann H, Geldner G, Hofmockel R, Fuchs-Buder T, Diefenbach C, Ulm K: Anwendung von Muskelrelaxantien in Deutschland: Eine Umfrage an Deutschen Anästhesieeinrichtungen.
Anaesthesist 2003; 52: 427-434
Blobner M, Kochs E: Anästhesie heute.
Anästh Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther 2003; 38: 241-254
Bogdanski R, Blobner M, Fink H, Kochs E: Effects of xenon on mesenteric blood flow.
Eur J Anaesthesiol 2003; 20: 98-103
DeBock F, Kurz J, Azad S, Parsons CG, Hapfelmeier G, Zieglgänsberger W, Rammes G: a2-adrenoreceptor activation inhibits LTP and LTD in the basolateral amygdala: involvement of Gi/0-protein-mediated modulation of Ca2+-channels and inwardly-rectifying K+-channels.
Eur J Neurosci 2003; 17: 1411-1424
Dressler O, Schneider G, Stockmanns G, Kochs EF: EEG-Wavelet-Filterung zur Reduktion von EEG-Artefakten für das automatisierte Narkosemonitoring.
Biomedizinische Technik 2003; 48: 188-9
Eberspächer E, Werner C, Engelhard K, Pape M, Gelb A, Hutzler P, Henke J, Kochs E: The Effect of Hypothermia on the Expresssion of the Apoptosis-Regulating Protein Bax after Incomplete Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion in Rats.
J Neurosurg Anesth 2003; 15 (3): 200-208
Eder M, Becker K, Rammes G, Schierloh A, Azad SC, Zieglgänsberger W, Dodt HU: Distribution of properties of functional postsynaptic kainate receptors on neocortical layer V pyramidal neurons.
J Neurosci 2003; 23: 6660-70
Eisensamer B, Rammes G, Gimpl G, Shapa M, Ferrari U, Hapfelmeier G, Bondy B, Parsons C, Gilling K, Zieglgänsberger W, Holsboer R, Rupprecht R.: Antidepressants are functional antagonists at the serotonin type 3 (5HT3) receptor.
Molecular Psychiatry 2003; 8: 994-1007
Engelhard K, Werner C, Hoffman WE, Matthes B, Blobner M, Kochs E: The effect of sevoflurane and propofol on cerebral ischemia neurotransmitter concentrations during cerebral ischemia in rats.
Anesth Analg 2003; 97: 1155-1161
Engelhard K, Werner C, Eberspacher E, Bachl M, Blobner M, Hildt E, Hutzler P, Kochs E. The Effect of the alpha(2)-Agonist Dexmedetomidine and the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Antagonist S(+)-Ketamine on the Expression of Apoptosis-Regulating Proteins After Incomplete Cerebral Ischemia and Reperfusion in Rats.
Anesth Analg 2003; 96:524-31
Fink H, Luppa P, Mayer B, Rosenbruck H, Metzger J, Martyn J, Blobner M: Systemic inflammation leads to resistance to atracurium withou increasing membrane expression to acetylcholine receptors.
Anesthesiology 2003; 98: 82-88
Geldner G, Fuchs-Buder T, Hofmockel R, Diefenbach C, Ulm K, Blobner M: Anwendung von Muskelrelaxantien zur Routineeinleitung in Deutschland.
Anaesthesist 2003; 52: 435-441
Gerdesmeyer K, Rechl H, Wagenpfeil S, Ullmer M, Lampe R, Wagner K: Die minimal-invasive perkutane epidurale Neurolyse beim chronischen Nervenwurzelreiz-Syndorm
Orthopädie 2003; 32: 869-876
Grocott HP, Mackensen GB, Newman MF: Perioperative neuroprotection in cardiac surgery: current strategies and future directions.
Perioperative Organ Protection, Newman MF (editor), Lippincott Williams & Wilkens 2003; 47-74
Hackner C, Detsch O, Schneider G, Jelen-Esselborn S, Kochs E: Early recovery after remifentanil-pronounced compared with propofol-pronounced total intravenous anaesthesia for short painful procedures.
Br J Anaesth. 2003; 91: 580-2
Hapfelmeier G, Tredt C, Haseneder R, Zieglgänsberger W, Eisensamer B, Rupprecht R, Rammes G: Co-expression of the 5-HT3B serotonin receptor subunit alters the biophysics of the 5-HT3 receptor.
Biophys J 2003; 84: 172-0-1733
Mackensen GB, Ti LK, Phillips-Bute BG, Mathew JP, Newman MF, Grocott HP: Cerebral embolization during cardiac surgery: the impact of aortic atheroma burden.
Br J Anaesth 2003; 91(5): 656-61
Nahm W, Stockmanns G, Abke J, Kochs E: Auf dem Weg zu einer automatischen Auswertung akustisch evozierter Potentiale im Narkosemonitoring.
Focus MUL 2003; 20: 16-32
Ningler M, Stockmanns G., Schneider G., Dressler O., Kochs E.: Anwendung der Rough Set Theorie zur Unterscheidung von Wach- und Narkose-EEG.
Biomedizinische Technik 2003; 48: 258-9
Rammes G, Palmer M, Eder M, Dodt HU, Zieglgänsberger W, Collingridge GL: Activation of mGlu receptors induces LTD without affecting postsynaptic sensitivity of CA1 neurons in rat hippocampal slices.
J Physiol 2003; 15: 455-460
Schneider G, Nahm W, Kochs E, Bischoff P, Kalkman CJ, Kuppe H, Thornton C: Quality of perioperative AEP - variability of expert ratings.
Br J Anaesth 2003; 91: 905-908
Schneider G, Gelb AW, Schmeller B, Tschakert R, Kochs E: Detection of awareness in surgical patients with EEG-based indices - bispectral index (BIS) and patient state index (PSI).
Br J Anaesth 2003; 91: 329-35
Schneider G, Elidrissi C, Sebel PS: BIS-guided administration of anaesthesia: comparison between remifentanil/propofol and remifentanil/isoflurane.
European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2003; 20: 624-30
Schneider G: Intraoperative Wachheit.
Anästhesiol Intensivther Notfallmed Schmerzther; 2003; 38: 75-84
Stockmanns G, Schneider G., Ahrenbeck H., Marcu T., Gallinat M., Kochs E.F.: Vergleich zweier wavelet-basierter Verfahren zur Elimination von Störamplituden in akustisch evozierten Potentialen.
Biomedizinische Technik 48 414-5 2003
Ti LK, Mackensen GB, Grocott HP, Laskowitz DT, Phillips-Bute B, Milano CA, Hilton AK, Newman MF, Mathew JP and the Neurological Outcome Research Group: Apolipoprotein E4 increases aortic atheroma burden in cardiac surgical patients.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg; 2003; 125: 211-213
Detsch O, Kochs E, Siemers M, Bromm B, Vahle-Hinz C: Increased responsiveness of cortical neurons in contrast to thalamic neurons during isoflurane-induced EEG bursts in rats.
Neurosc Lett 2002; 317: 9-12
Detsch O, Reeker W, Siemers M, Kochs E, Bromm B: Suppression of tactile information transfer by isoflurane within the central nervous system.
Urban BW, Barann M (editors) Molecular and basic mechanisms of anesthesia.
Pabst Scientific Publishers 2002; 484-492
Djaiani GN, McCreath BJ, Ti LK, Mackensen GB, Podgorneau M, Philips-Bute B, Mathew J: Mitral flow propagation velocity identifies patients with abnormal diastolic function during coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
Anesth Analg 2002; 95: 524-530
Dressler O, Schneider G, Stockmanns G, Kochs E: Approximate entropy von Narkose-EEG: Kompromiss zwischen Rechnezeit und klinischer Aussagekraft.
Biomed Technik 2002; 47 (Suppl 1): 570-572
Engelhard K, Werner C, Kaspar S, Möllenberg O, Blobner M, Bachl M, Kochs E: Effect of the alpha2-agonist dexmedetomidine on cerebral neurotransmitter concentrations during cerebral ischemia in rats.
Anesthesiology 2002; 96: 450-457
Grocott HP, Mackensen GB, Grigore AM, Mathew J, Reves JG, Phillips-Bute B, Smith PK, Newman MF and the Neurologic Outcome Research Group (ÄNORG) and Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology Research Endeavours (CARE) investigators of the Duke Heart Center: Postoperative hyperthermia is associated with cognitive dysfunction after coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
Stroke 2002; 33: 537-541
Hapfelmeier G, Haseneder R, Lampadius K, Rammes G, Rupprecht R, Zieglgänsberger W: Cloned human and murine serotonin3A receptors expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells display different single-channel kinetics.
Neurosci Lett 2002; 335: 44-48
Haseneder R, Rammes G, Zieglgänsberger W, Kochs E, Hapfelmeier G: GABAA receptor activation and open-channel block by volatile anaesthetics: a new principle of receptor modulation?
Eur J Pharmacol 2002, 451: 43-50
Hohlrieder M, Spiegel M, Hinterhoelzl J, Engelhardt K, Pfausler B, Kampfl A, Ulmer H Waldenberger P, Mohsenipour I, Schmutzhard E: Cerebral vasospasm and ischaemic infarction in clipped and coiled intracraniel aneurysm patients.
Eur J Neurol 2002; 9: 389-399
Leistritz L, Galicki M, Witte H, Kochs E: Training trajectories by continuous recurrent multilayer networks.
IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks 2002; 13: 1-8
Leistritz L, Kochs E, Galicki M, Witte H: Prediction of movement following noxious stimulation during 1 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration isoflurane/nitrous oxide anesthesia by means of middle latency auditory evoked responses.
Clin Neurophysiol 2002; 113: 930-935
Marsicano G, Wotjak CT, Azad SC, Bisogno T, Rammes G, Casclo MG, Hermann H, Tang J, Hofmann C, Zieglgänsberger W, di Marzo V, Lutz B: The endogenous cannaboid system controls extinction of aversive memories.
Nature 2002; 418: 530-534
Ningler M, Schneider G, Stockmanns G, Schäpers G, Kochs E: Datenbank zur Unterstützung studienübergreifender Auswertungen von Signalen für das Narkosemonitoring.
Biomed Technik 2002; 47 (Suppl 1): 550-553
Pfenniger EG, Durieuex ME, Himmelseher S: Cognitive impairment after small-dose ketamine isomers in comparision to equianalgesic racemic ketamine in human volunteers.
Anesthesiology 2002; 96: 357-366
Schneider G, Wagner K, Reeker W, Hänel F, Werner C, Kochs E: Bispectral index (BIS) may not predict awareness reaction to intubation in surgical patients.
J Neurosurg Anesth 2002; 14: 7-11
Sillaber I, Rammes G, Zimmermann St, Mahal B, Zieglgänsberger W, Wurst W, Holsboer F, Spanagel R: Enhanced and delayed stress-induced alcohol drinking in mice lacking functional CRH1 Receptors.
Science 2002, 296: 931-933
Stanley TO, Mackensen GB, Grocott HP, White WD, Blumenthal JA, Laskowitz DT, Landolfo KP, Reves JG, Mathew JP, Newman MF and the Neurologic Outcome Reseach Group: The impact of postoperative atrial fibrillation on neurocognitive outcome after coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
Anesth Analg 2002; 94: 290-305
Tassani P, Schad H, Winkler C, Bernhard A, Ettner U, Braun SL, Eising GP, Kochs E, Lange R, Richter JA: Capillary leak syndrome after cardiopulmonary bypass in elective, uncomplicated coronary bypass grafting operations: Does it exist?
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2002; 123: 735-741
Vahle-Hinz C, Detsch O: What can in vivo electrophysiology in animals models tell us about mechanisms of anaesthesia?
Br J Anaesth 2002; 89: 123-142
Vahle-Hinz C, Reeker W, Detsch O, Siemers M, Kochs E, Bromm B: Antinociceptive effects of anesthetics in vivo: thalamic neuronal responses and cellular mechanisms.
Urban BW, Barann M (editors) Molecular and basic mechanisms of anesthesia.
Pabst Scientific Publishers 2002; 516-524
Wainwright MS, Sheng H, Sato Y, Mackensen GB, Steffen RP, Pearlstein RD, Grocott HP, Warner DS: Pharmacologic correction of hypothermic P50 shift does not alter outcome after transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2002; 282: H1863-H1870
Zanner R, Hapfelmeier G, Gratzl M, Prinz C: Intracellular signal transduction during gastrin-induced histamine secretion in rat gastric ECL cells.
Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 2002; 282: C374-C382
Adams HA, Kochs E, Krier C: Heutige Anästhesieverfahren-Versuch einer Systematik.
Anästhesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther 2001; 36: 262-267
Bainbridge DT, Mackensen B, Newman MF, Landolfo KP, Grocott HP: Off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery in a patient with C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency.
Anesthesiology 2001; 95: 795-796
Dinkel M, Jantzen JP, Werner C, Pfenninger E: Stellenwert zerebraler Überwachungsmassnahmen in der Karotischirurgie. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage.
Anästhesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther 2001; 36: 698-700
Engelhard K, Werner C, Möllenberg O, Kochs E: S(+)-ketamine/propofol maintain dynamic cerebrovascular autoregulation in humans.
Can J Anaesth 2001; 48: 1034-1039
Engelhard K, Werner C, Mollenberg O, Kochs E: Effects of remifentanil/propofol in comparison with isoflurane on dynamic cerebrovascular autoregulation in humans.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2001; 45: 971-976
Frietsch T, Bogdanski R, Blobner M, Werner C, Kuschinsky W, Waschke K: Effects of xenon on cerebral blood flow and cerebral glucose utilization in rats.
Anesthesiology 2001; 94: 290-297
Grocott HP, Mackensen GB, Newman MF, Warner DS: Neurologic injury during cardiopulmonary bypass in the rat.
Perfusion 2001; 16: 75-81
Hapfelmeier G, Haseneder R, Kochs E, Beyerle M, Zieglgänsberger W: Coadministered nitrous oxide enhances the effect of isoflurane on GABAergic transmission by an increase in open-channel block.
J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2001; 298: 201-208
Hapfelmeier G, Haseneder R, Eder M. Adelsberger H, Kochs E, Rammes G, Zieglgänsberger W: Isoflurane slows inactivation kinetics of rat recombinant a1b2g2L GABAA receptors: enhancement of GABAergic transmission despite an open-channel block.
Neurosci Let 2001; 307: 97-100
Hapfelmeier G, Schneck H, Kochs E: Sevoflurane potentiates and blocks GABA-induced currents through recombinant a1b2g2 GABAA receptors: implications for an enhanced GABAergic transmission.
Eur J Anaesth 18: 377-383, 2001
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